
Eibach Federn台灣馬自達於6/10正式推出MAZDA CX-5獻定版,全車系升級更加完備先進的主動安全配備,並搭配全新「極境灰」車色,展演風格獨具的品牌氛圍。本次台灣馬自達針對CX-5推出頂級獻定版、旗艦獻定版、2.5 2WD旗艦經典型與2.5 AWD旗艦進化型四款車型,正式售價自新台幣109.9萬元起,即日起展Right now, you are in our PERFORMANCE SUSPENSION division. Here you can experience everything about EIBACH Performance Springs Performance Sway Bars Wheel Spacers Suspension Systems Coilovers Motorsport Components TÜV approvals...


eibach.com/america● 預估國內將引進三款汽油車型 ● M440i xDrive Coupe最大馬力374匹 ● 驅動方式:後驅 / 四驅 ● 國外上市時間:2020十月 ● 國外預售價:英國預售價4萬英鎊起(約台幣150萬元) ▲流線車頂連結L型光條式尾燈成為車尾焦點。   隨著BMW六月全球發表第二代大改款4 SeJoin the winning teams around the world and switch to the Eibach performance advantage. Whether it's Formula 1, WRC or NASCAR, the winning factor is often chassis setup and tuning... More >>>...


Eibach | NTP - Eibach Bilstein Italia圖片來源:web option   高品質的碳纖維引擎蓋與後行李廂蓋等,選擇獨特的消光軍綠色貼膜作為車體的主色,對於跑格濃厚的S2000來說是相當的與眾不同,而這輛車則是來自實力派改裝名門CSO的展示車。 S2000最美的就是原廠賦予的那個優美如武士刀般的洗鍊線條,因此CSO一開始就沒有打算替這輛車Founded in Germany in 1951, Heinrich Eibach laid the foundation for the Eibach Group which is now active around the world. After Heinrich passed away in 1967, his son Wilfried took charge and grew the company to its current market-leading position. Eibach...


Eibach Lowering Kit, Sportline Springs, Coil Springs, Sway BarTesla 今年引進亞洲首批 V3 超級充電座,首站落址國立臺灣大學社科院辛亥停車場,預計將於 6 月 29 日對外開放,此為 Tesla 於台灣設置之第 18 座超級充電站。   有別於 V2 超級充電使用之風冷電纜,V3 採用液冷式電纜設計,線纜更輕、更靈活、更高效,可實現充Looking for the right Eibach for your car? Just go through our site and choose from the top brands that we carry. Order today! ... PRO-PLUS (Step 1+2) Step 1 + 2 = PRO-PLUS Performance Handling Package. Matched Performance Springs and Sway Bars ......


喜美八代Eibach前後防傾桿_Civic 8th_Honda_CG汽車百貨線上購物中心【CWNTP 應瑋漢 [email protected]】深耕台灣街頭品牌多年,AES主理人小鬼黃鴻升以一襲時髦落肩的白色西裝搭配獨特版型的打折西裝褲出席,率性休閒不失正式感的穿搭,完全展現獨特的「鬼」式穿搭風格!身為台灣潮流指標性人物的他大方分享此次的設計理念:「以復古結合街頭,傳遞著百CG汽車百貨精品線上購物中心向您推出喜美八代Eibach前後防傾桿 本產品售價均含安裝且可致全省經銷地點安裝施工;下單後系統將自動幫您安排施工時間及地點...


Eibach - Suspension Direct【CWNTP 應瑋漢 [email protected]】夏日熱浪來襲,同時迎來防疫解封,正是時候走出戶外、享受運動的熱血暢快。adidas推出專為夏日高溫打造的HEAT.RDY凍涼系列運動服飾及SUMMER.RDY鞋款,搭載創新READY機能科技面料,可有效降溫排汗、加倍透氣散熱,更邀請Over 1000 stocked Eibach performance suspension systems, lowering springs, pro kit, sportline, anti roll kit stabilizer bars, pro street, coil over suspension kits - Eibach - Lowering Springs. ... Anti-Roll-Kit (35140-320) Ford, Focus Mk 3 Saloon, 2.0 ST,...
