Carolyn Murphy
Eight O'Clock By A.E. Housman question... !? Carolyn Murphy出生在佛羅里達州巴拿馬市,在佛羅里達州的西北長大,曾經短暫居住在英格蘭和馬里蘭州,父母離異。16歲開始她的模特兒生涯,她的母親為她報名參加了一個模特兒學校。很快,她是佛羅里達州當地知名的模特兒,並且開始國外如日本和巴黎等地小有名氣。1991年從 Choctawhatch"Eight O' Clock" by A. E. Housman is an account of a man who is awaiting his execution by hanging. The rhyming in the poem, however, gives the reader a sense of inevitability, as well as harmony. The strongest sense of inevitability is with the last word,...