em7 b

Beatles - ( Across The Universe tab ) - A-Z Guitar Tabs - ( 200,000 TAB ARCHIVE )親愛的老婆大人:遵照您的旨意,我在書房里反省了一個小時四十三分零七秒,喝了一杯白開水,上了一次衛生間,沒有抽煙,以上事實準確無誤,請審查。附上我的檢討報告,不當之處可以協商。經過3個月的婚姻生活,我認為老婆同志溫柔賢良,勤奮聰穎,是不可多得的好妻子,而身為丈夫的我卻舉止乖張,態度輕狂,所作所為確有值Across The Universe tab by Beatles at GuitareTab.com ... Across the Universe - The Beatles from the album Let It Be (1970) Great song. Fun to strum and hum along with!;) Capo 1st fret (tab set out respective to capo so where it says 2nd fret it is 2nd fre...


Em7 Guitar Chord - Guitar Chords Chart - 8notes.com這是我當黑客以來接到的一項最具挑戰性的生意,是去黑另一個黑客的電腦。工欲善其事,必先利其器,我很明白現今裝備的重要性,于是我把自己從頭武裝到腳,包裝上了全黑的緊身夜行衣和戴上墨鏡。這樣我看起來就很黑很客,很重很要了。一出門,我就給車撞了……司機下車后,打著強光手電筒找了好Key x = don't play string o = play open string If the same fingering appears for more than one string, place the finger flat on the fingerboard as a 'bar', so all the strings can sound....


Muse - ( Time Is Running Out Acoustic chords )高考成績公布之前,我認識了一個男孩子,比我年長兩歲,已經出來工作了。他對我特別地好,不是一般朋友的好。他說他很喜歡我,想要我做他的女朋友。那時我考慮到很多現實的問題,所以沒有正面地給他答復。我們一直還是有聯系,發短信,發郵件,上oicq,給彼此鼓勵,給彼此信心。要是哪一天不見,我們都會想念對方。每天Time Is Running Out Acoustic tab by Muse at GuitareTab.com ... Related for Time Is Running Out Acoustic chords Muse - Cant Take My Eyes Off You tab Muse - Explorers chords Muse - Butterflies And Hurricanes Live tab...


E m7 GUITAR CHORDS今天打電話回家,媽媽悄悄的告訴我:“今年冬天家里特別冷,你爸爸的手凍爛得很歷害,前幾天感冒了,也不去看醫生,總說喝點開水就會好````”聽到這里,總忍不住熱淚盈眶。不知何時,父親頭上的白發憶爭先恐后的冒出來了,炯炯有神的眼睛也越來越找不到焦距了;更不知何時,皺紋已爬上了他刻滿Chord finder, including split chords and chord variations. Also features standard and exotic guitar scales for lefthanded guitar. ... Name: Minor 7th chord Symbols: m7, min7, -7 Steps: 1-b3-5-b7 Recommended scales: Pentatonic Minor scale Blues scale Doria...


Make It With You Chords by Bread @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com一小姐打車到某地,要出租司機跟她到屋里拿,出租司機心想:哈哈,說不定還有好事做呢。果然,一進門,小姐就脫的一絲不掛,出租司機心領神會,猛撲上去,兩人于是巫山云雨,翻云覆雨,直至無雨......事畢,出租司機要走人,小姐不許,說:你做了多次,收你三百,其中有你十元車費,你得付二百九十,少一分也別想走!Make It With You Chords by Bread with chord diagrams, easy version and transpose. Added on March 14, 2002 ... + + | Ultimate Guitar Tabs Archive - your #1 source for tabs! | | http://www.ultimate-guitar ......


Burn One Down Chords by Ben Harper @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com親愛的xxx:我對妳1見鐘情,絕無2心,想照顧妳3生3世,因為我偷偷上妳的網站4次,妳那迷人的5官,總讓我6神無主,一顆心7上8下,99不能平息,如果我的滿分是10分,妳一定不止11分,起碼也該有12分,只可惜我討厭13這個數字,不然妳一定有14分,如果再加上妳的聰明那又不止15分,16分妳一定還嫌Nice, but the chorus may need some editing, and maybe use alternative chords for the verse. VERSE.. G, G, Em7(022033), C9(X32033) G, G, Em7(022033), C9(X32033) I think the chorus ends not on "G" but on a "C" CHORD and there's a "G" missing too!...
