Atomic Learning Blogs | Embrace Technology. Empower Yourself.你公司有給你提供什麼福利嗎?一次旅遊還是一次聚餐...還是什麼都沒有?!!讓我們來看看十個與眾不同的公司福利,或許你可以和你老闆提一提喔:1、公司在每個星期五為員工提供免費啤酒如果你在佛羅里達多州橘港的Advanced Medical公司工作,你或許會很期待「週五啤酒車」,每週那的每個員工都會有冰啤Having computer issues during the summer can be a disaster. Equip yourself with the knowledge to act as your own personal technology help desk with these online resources! To get started, simply login using your school's method of access and check out the...