EMBRACE+ bracelet provides smartphone notifications using light and color 翻拍自yt 真的會讓人忍不住一看再看,眼淚都快控制不住了! 文章整理 恐怖!她看到寶寶身上長了又多又大的「黑刺」,嚇得趕快拔掉!沒想到,拔完之後卻出大事了!拔了竟然會... 注意!小孩會越長越醜,都是這個「壞習慣」害的! 「跪求EMBRACE+ is a new piece of wearable electronics currently in development, that wirelessly connects to a smartphone and lights up in different colors in conjunction with notifications received on the phone. The idea is that if the phone is tucked away in a...