embrace - definition of embrace by The Free Dictionary 圖片轉自intheblack 網友在知名論壇網站《巴哈姆特》上PO出了一段文 內容是在講述曾經守護著自己的真愛 但是某日想給對方一個驚喜 沒想到走進房門的時候卻聽到了不堪入耳的聲音 而最後…隨著房門被打開,自己的心也從此下落不明 以下為原文,引用自巴哈姆特 從小老師就告訴我們「只要認But I only went to see him when that phase came over me, and when my dreams had reached such a point of bliss that it became essential at once to embrace my fellows and all mankind; and for that purpose I needed, at least, one human being, actually existi...