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Embryonic stem cells: where do they come from and what can they do? | Europe's stem cell hub | EuroS 當小弟第一次看到這張圖片的時候,眼睛都亮了:「好爆的設計師!!」「跪求店址!」「地址在哪?早就該換這樣的設計師了!」相信很多網友首次看見都會有和小弟一樣感想,之前類似的正妹刺青師:《全台最正點最年輕的女刺青師恩琦~~網友:本人比照片更漂亮![50P] 》,就有很受大家歡迎的,其實小弟總結了,原來認What are embryonic stem cells, where do they come from and what can they do? Scientist-reviewed fact sheet about mouse and human embryonic stem cells. ... Some of the cells in the inner cell mass are pluripotent: they can make every type of cell in the bo...