EMI Remasters Its Classical Catalog for SACD | Stereophile.com 下面進入一個有趣的小測試時間: 你覺得下圖中編號不同的姑娘裡,哪個最漂亮? 然後,調查結果出來了! 男性普遍覺得9號最美,其次是8號。而大部分女性則會選1號或者5號。 很多人不信...那麼把文章發到QQ空間或者朋友圈。我們大家也一起來測試下?簡單投個票! 【男方觀點】 羊望幸福:1有氣質、8看起來It's the first rule of being a stereophile: sound quality is serious business. Simon Gibson, one of the engineers at Abbey Road Studios who worked on EMI's new Signature Collection of hybrid SACD/CDs, knows the drill: remaster and change the sound of a mu...