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Emily VanCamp Fan www.emily-vancamp.com · your #1 fan site dedicated to "Revenge" actress Emily VanC有兩對夫妻在一起打麻將。小張一不小心掉地上一張牌,他就鑽到桌子底下去撿,可他抬頭一看,發現小王的太太沒有穿褲衩。他嚇了一跳,腦袋撞在桌子上,鑽出來時滿臉通紅。小王的太太看出來他看到了自己的下身,就裝做沒事一樣。事後,小張接到小王太太的電話,她問:「你昨天鑽到桌子底下是不是看到了我沒穿褲衩?」小張不好Your #1 fan site dedicated to actress Emily VanCamp at www.emily-vancamp.com! ... Revenge took its final journey last night as the four year running series came to an end with the aptly named “Two Graves”. For those who haven’t seen it yet, I won’t spoil ...


Emily VanCamp - Celebrity News, Celebrity Gossip and Pictures from UsMagazine.502室的同學...>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> 502室的同學....>>>>> (真的會笑到不行).我是一個即將參加研究所考試的考生,上研究所是我無法逃避的宿命...也是全家人對我的期望,對著牆上已滿是灰塵的志願學校~台大>>>>>>>>>> 政大....中央......東海..Emily VanCamp on Us Weekly, your trusted source for the latest celebrity pictures, news, biography, & videos. Emily VanCamp: Emily Didn't Get... ... Emily VanCamp Contradicts Madeleine Stowe, Says Emily Thorne Didn't Get Victoria Grayson's Heart in the .....


Revenge Canceled: Emily VanCamp, Gabriel Mann, Cast Members React on Twitter : People.com段正淳說他風流,韋小寶就笑了;韋小寶說他聰明,黃蓉就笑了;黃蓉說她美貌,香香公主就笑了;香香公主說她智商低,傻姑就笑了;傻姑說她愛胡扯,桃谷六仙就笑了;桃谷六仙說他們人多,江南七怪就笑了;江南七怪說他們有個性,黃老邪就笑了;黃老邪說他親人少,狄雲就笑了;狄雲說他有殘疾,楊過就笑了;楊過說他妻子美,范After four seasons of scheming, drama and backstabbing on the addicting ABC hit Revenge, the show has officially been canceled, leaving dedicated fans – and cast members – still reeling from the announcement. Emily VanCamp, Gabriel Mann, Barry Sloane and ...


Emily VanCamp - TV.com笑一笑!1. 觀眾席老王在餐廳坐了很久,看到別的客人吃得津津有味,只有他仍無侍者來招呼,便起身問老闆:「ㄟ,請問....我是不是坐到觀眾席了?」2. 還有老三?一位好強的女子,受了男友的欺負,氣的想地方大哭。她想,到殯儀館哭,別人一定不會覺得奇怪,於是他就走進一間正在為一位老翁舉行喪禮的禮堂,放下心Emily VanCamp biography, pictures, credits,quotes and more... Born and raised in Port Perry, Ontario, Emily has been performing a... ... I LOVE REVENGE!!! I always watching this tv series, but in Indonesia we have to used TV Cable for get your series to w...


Emily VanCamp News, Photos, and Videos | Just Jared高中讀的是女校,大家感情融洽無所不談尤其是大便和月經之事更是我們熱愛的話題(男女合校很難暢談這種事)所以對於這些事也不會避諱或害羞甚麼的高三某天留晚自習時,強者我同學很開心的跟我說「欸我現在好想大便喔,羨慕我吧嘻嘻」由於高三許多人都因壓力大而有便秘的困擾,我也著實羨慕了她一陣過了很久她傳簡訊求救:「Emily VanCamp has taken to her Twitter account to open up to fans about one of the big mysteries of the Revenge series finale. SPOILER ALERT – DO NOT CONTINUE IF YOU DIDN’T WATCH THE FINALE YET! Since the finale aired over a week ago, we’re going ......


Emily VanCamp and Josh Bowman Ready For Pregnant Baby Bump: 'Revenge' Season 4 Star's Twitter Hints 爸爸看見小明做錯了事,不禁火冒三丈的想揍他一頓。  媽媽求情說:「這次就饒了他吧!下次再懲罰他也不遲啊!」 爸爸反問:「你說的倒簡單,若是下次他不再犯了呢?」 有一天,書店裡來了一位顧客問店員:「我想買本書,可是我希望裡面沒有仇殺、 沒有愛情、沒有懸疑、沒有千萬富翁,也沒有美女、Trending News Emily VanCamp and Josh Bowman Ready For Pregnant Baby Bump: 'Revenge' Season 4 Star's Twitter Hints at Family with Boyfriend After Dating For Three ... (Photo : Twitter/Emily VanCamp) While her character on the ABC series may be all ......
