Reebok 今夏即將推出複刻版Blacktop Battleground 籃球鞋
Empirical Rule Demonstration - Department of Statistics - Texas A&M UniversityReebok將在今年夏天帶來經典籃球鞋Blacktop Battleground的全新復刻版本。黑紫及白黑兩款配色的nubuck鞋面,搭配潑濺感細節,在1991年面世的粗獷外觀上增添些許時尚元素。搭載品牌專利的Hexalite緩震大底以及Pump技術鞋舌則提供了舒適良好的穿著體驗。 【本文出處,更多Empirical Rule Demonstration How it works: Define any normal distribution by specifying a mean and a standard deviation. Verify that the area within a certain number of standard deviations of the mean is not affected by the particular choice of parameters...