List of TCP and UDP port numbers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia有一位中國的大學生寫了一封信給知名的專欄作家連岳,問到為何日本的女人如此不知羞恥,竟然公開寬衣解帶,拍成人A片,故寫信向連岳請教,而連岳也回答了他的問題。 原文如下:-----連先生您好,我是一個大一學生,因農村出生,大學以前沒看過A片,肯定是沒機會接觸到,所以並不是不會看。而現在可以輕易的看到A片This is a list of Internet socket port numbers used by protocols of the Transport Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite for the establishment of host-to-host connectivity. Originally, port numbers were used by the Network Control Program (NCP) in the ARPAN...