EMule Wiki 原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:喵妹 是喵妹的錯覺嗎?總覺得最近動漫改編成日劇的作品特別多… (雖然這個最近講了好久….) 對於動漫作品改編成真人版真的是繼期待又怕受傷害 如果成功的翻拍成真人版之後,要再翻拍一次…. 感覺好像有種印象錯亂的感覺! 最近Welcome to the mod wiki This wiki describes features of eMule mods. Also there is room for some guides. This wiki should be seen as an extension of the excellent documentation that is available at emule-project. [edit] Features Features of all mods Compar...