Enchanted - Owl City - YouTube 日本的發明技術到底是要說厲害還是另類呢?今天就來看看還有啥奇特另類的發明,很多網友心想:這真的有人會用嗎? 奇葩發明一:女友的腿筷子 ▼配有蕾絲過膝襪,可以用來保護筷子唷~ 奇葩發明二:女校學生的聖水 ▼『完全呈現女校生小便的味道』 ▼這...一看就知道是什麼味道了! I do not own any copyrights. Used only for entertainment. Lyrics: There I was again tonight forcing laughter, faking smiles Same old tired, lonely place Walls of insincerity Shifting eyes and vacancy vanished when I saw your face All I can say is it was e...