Endothelial progenitor cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaTEXT/Bella.tw儂儂 PHOTO/網路 感情是個很神奇的東西,熱戀期愛得火熱,世界好像只有你們彼此,過了熱戀期,有時候彼此的感覺比冰箱還有冷。當生活中許多事情開始浮現,妳開始抱怨他的行為,或是發現他到現在還不了解妳,妳是否開始思考自己的感情是否亮起紅燈,其實這些行為對於感情並沒有太多關係,Endothelial progenitor cell (or EPC) is a term that has been applied to multiple different cell types that play roles in the regeneration of the endothelial lining of blood vessels. Despite the history and controversy, the EPC in all its forms remains a p...