混世魔王Toyota GR Supra
what is 能量棒(Energy Bar)? - Yahoo!知識+●接單售價 258萬元 ●首批限量30部,採網路登記抽籤 ●BMW Z4雙升 ●3.0直列六缸渦輪引擎 ●340hp/51kgm最大輸出 ●0~100km/h加速4.3秒 等候多時的第五代Toyota GR Supra終於在國人眼前亮相,雖然僅是預賞接單,從現場的人氣來看,就知道大家對他的期待有An energy bar is a dietary supplement often consumed by athletes or other physically active people to maintain their calorific needs in light of their strenuous physical activity. As the name indicates, they are mainly a source of food energy, primarily c...