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Good Jokes. Funny short stories and tales  via  女人私密話                                示意圖 (取自姐姐立正Good Jokes Based on Clever Use of Language: 1) A linguistics professor was lecturing his class one day. 'In English', he said, 'A double negative forms a positive. In some languages, though, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. However,...


Category Funny Jokes & Stories | Indian Funny Picture說好的信任呢???此女從七點看了我的照片後到現在都沒回我!!! 心好塞累感不愛了 感覺也不能怪人家…是有點太奇特了!!   via  Funny English Jokes, Funny Stories in English, Very Funny Short Girl Boy Jokes in English, Funny English Story for Facebook with Images Pictures, Girl and Boy Funny Stories in English, Funny Jokes in English, Funny Jokes & Stories...


2 Mores Short Jokes: Did you hear about ...? 27日)是感恩節,林心如在微博上曬出自己的泳裝照,說道:“感謝那些美好與傷害,都將讓我變得更加堅強~Happy Thanksgiving……感恩節快樂!”照片上,林心如帶著墨鏡,穿著泳衣,噘著嘴仰著頭,在池水邊自拍。 不過,細心網友發現女神變成了MP3 Files of English Jokes. For English as a Second Language Students. < BACK | www.manythings.org/jokes | NEXT > Did you hear about ...? Download MP3 (Right-click or option-click the link.) Did you hear about the blind carpenter who picked up his hammer ...
