New Balance 狀告匡威,穿了多年的 All Star 是盜版?
Canon EOS 70D Review: Digital Photography Review當匡威將 RALPH LAUREN、TORY BURCH、H&M 等品牌告上法庭時,應該不會想到 New Balance 會追在後面咬自己一口。日前,New Balance 向法院指控匡威涉嫌侵犯其註冊商標權,而涉事的卻正是走在正名路上的、匡威經典的 All Star 系列。難道我們穿了好多年的 AReview based on a production Canon EOS 70D During the early days of digital SLRs, Canon was pretty much the undisputed leader in CMOS image sensor technology. Almost every new EOS model came with an increase in resolution and high ISO range, and ......