5個「連在大白天看都會嚇得寒毛直豎」的超詭異懸案! 2 火災中失蹤孩子們的屍體竟在50年後復活了?!
Amazon.com : Canon EOS M 18.0 MP Compact Systems Camera with 3.0-Inch LCD and EF-M 22mm STM Lens (OL ▲可憐的伊麗莎白。(source:fdb) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 雖然現代的科學非常發達,但是有些事件的發生還是無法用科學的角度來解釋,也因此世界上有許多人願意相信鬼怪與輪迴之說。不得不說,即使小編已經看過世界上大大小小的奇聞軼事,看到這些懸案還是整個毛骨悚然,因為真的太不科學了啊!Inspired by EOS technology, Canon developed the new EOS M Digital Camera. Canon introduced the market to Full HD video capture with smooth, quiet continuous autofocus made possible by Movie Servo AF and STM lenses, advanced CMOS sensor technology, and the...