Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus Top - Epiphone: Performance is our Passion 色情服務在西班牙一直處於灰色地帶, 雖然不算是能在陽光下曝光的行業,但是也從來沒有被明令禁止,所以一直以來,在西班牙的巴塞羅那那些隱秘而眾所周知的色情服務店的生意,都非常火爆。 就在今年的3月份, 巴塞羅那的市中心新開了一家妓院... &nbFor over 50 years, the Les Paul Signature Model guitar has remained the most sought after guitar in the world and the Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus Top, featuring a Flame Maple top combines the classic features and tone of Les Paul’s invention with lege...