Epiphone Les Paul Ukulele Outfit - Epiphone: Performance is our Passion情場如戰場,如果妳心中升起「他是真心,還是玩玩而已?」這樣的疑問,很明顯他已經佔了上風。至少目前如此,因為妳會有這樣的疑問,代表妳在乎他,有好感,希望更進一步,而他似乎沒有這樣的困擾,才會讓妳持續猜測。 要確定男人是否只是玩玩,最好的方法,而且可能是唯一可靠的方法,就是跟他玩一次看看。看什麼?看他壓Long known for its history of making great Les Paul guitars, Epiphone expands upon that knowledge to give you the NEW Epiphone Les Paul Ukulele Outfit. The Les Paul Ukulele features a solid Mahogany body and best of all, a piezo film pickup located under ...