The Epoch Times - Official Site王子愛上平民女孩,一心一意要娶她為妻。 這種童話般的設定前不久在現實生活中剛剛上演,哈里王子和Meghan宣布訂婚,閃閃發光的大鑽戒再次點燃了女孩們對浪漫愛情的期待。 其實,早在哈里和Meghan之前,北非的摩洛哥王室就已經出現了類似的愛情故事。 國王愛上當工程師的平民姑娘,甘願為她放Epoch Times is an independent, global news source, headquartered in New York, with a focus on uncensored China news, culture and science. ... Children jump off the ruin of an old building into the Tigris River to beat the heat in Baghdad, Iraq, on July 7,...