他月入「 400K 」還娶走火辣空姐!沒想到現在「日子」竟然.... 太淒慘了!
The Epoch Times - Official Site 示意圖非當事人 圖帆攝自fb 所以說這很現實的啊! 並不是你有錢然後娶了漂亮的老婆, 就能王子公主過著快樂幸福的日子, 再美的人心裡都有陰影, 再好的人個性都有缺陷, 再多的錢也買不到心理富足, 說真的, 錢夠用就好, 老婆在你心中是有位置有份量的就好, 平凡度過每一個日子不就是到最後愛情最真實的Epoch Times is an independent, global news source, headquartered in New York, with a focus on uncensored China news, culture and science. ... Children jump off the ruin of an old building into the Tigris River to beat the heat in Baghdad, Iraq, on July 7,...