The Epoch Times - Official Site 今天要說的是她... Nikki Yianni,30歲,來自英國倫敦。 2012年,對於Nikki來說意義非凡... 這一年,她下決心離開了暴虐成性的前任,成為了一名獨立自強的單親媽媽, 也是同年,她因為要應付來自前任持續不斷的騷擾和跟蹤, 結識了一名當地警官,Joe Prasad.Epoch Times is an independent, global news source, headquartered in New York, with a focus on uncensored China news, culture and science. ... Children jump off the ruin of an old building into the Tigris River to beat the heat in Baghdad, Iraq, on July 7,...