Epson Perfection V37, Drivers & Downloads - Technical Support - Epson America, Inc. 今天要說的,是這位慈眉善目的老大爺,Roy Sullivan。 在他普通的一生中,曾發生過一系列了不得的奇怪現象: 被雷劈過7次,每次都沒什麼生命危險…… 也因此,Roy Sullivan被尊稱為「人形避雷針」,他的故事,一直為後人津津樂道…Description: This file contains Epson Document Capture Pro v1.6.11. Document Capture Pro allows you to perform various tasks with a scanned image, such as sending it by e-mail, printing it, or uploading it to a server. Important: The Epson Scan OCR Compon...