izzue x FRED PERRY 十五週年聯名別注系列
Epson Perfection V350 Photo, Overview - Product Information - Epson America, Inc. 適逄izzue成立十五週年,品牌再度與FRED PERRY攜手合作,推出聯名別注系列,為今年秋冬增添一份英倫氣息。這次聯乘系列以學院服為設計主軸,完美結合izzue與FRED PERRY的品牌風格,將運動元素、街頭文化和校園風格共冶一爐,轉化成別具個性的男裝服飾。除了FRED PERRY的簽名式pQuickly scan and digitize film, photos, documents and more with the affordable Epson Perfection V350 Photo. With its 35mm, auto-feed film loader, plus an amazing 4800 x 9600 dpi resolution, you’ll easily achieve truly amazing results. Take advantage of in...