Ergobaby 360 - Front and Back Facing CarriersTVBS歡樂台《女人我最大》日前邀請《酸甜之味》主要演員六月、黃遠、林予晞、張翰以及「女人軍團」成員佩潔、洪棠暢談「家家有本難念的經」,主持人藍心湄說,自己看著六月長大,她多年未變,唯一變的就是對老公李易不耐煩,六月開玩笑說,彼此相處模式與其他夫妻不同:「我們的撒嬌,就是每天想辦法弄對方!」而黃遠則Can I also use the Four Position 360 Carrier from birth on? As with all our other carriers, the Four Position 360 Carrier can be used with our unique, custom configurable Infant Insert (sold separately) that allows all of our Ergobaby carriers to be used ...