Eric Garner Video: Staten Island Police Chokehold DeathNew Girl是我前一家公司裡的一個妹妹。她長的嬌小可愛,大學一畢業就進到我們公司任職。不過,可能是因為和橘子一樣新鮮,所以發生了很多讓大家啼笑皆非的事件。 她報到的第一天,就偷偷問我,她的職缺前一任員工的離職原因。我也坦白告訴她,是因為前任員工自認英文能力不足,所以自請離職。New GOn July 17, Ramsey Orta was talking to his friend, Eric Garner, about where to eat dinner — Friday’s, maybe, or Applebee’s. They eventually decided on Buffalo Wild Wings, but Garner never made it. Soon, a fight broke out nearby, Orta says, and after Garne...