世界杯熱潮不歇,MCM 打造球星專屬背包
Eric Whitacre: A virtual choir 2,000 voices strong | TED Talk | TED.com沒有品牌願意放過世界杯營銷的大好機會,MCM在發布了世界杯主題限量包款之後,更攜手西羅和傑爾丹·沙奇里等球星“組建”了一支MCM Team,邀請球星們帶來個人風格濃厚的MCM背包設計。葡萄牙紅覆蓋的CR7背包以及紅色點綴白色的X23背包均以相應球星所屬國家的國旗為設計靈感,背靠部分更印上個人定製圖案In a moving and madly viral video last year, composer Eric Whitacre led a virtual choir of singers from around the world. He talks through the creative challenges of making music powered by YouTube, and unveils the first 2 minutes of his new work, "Sleep,...