Eros Versace cologne - a fragrance for men 2012 ▲看了他的「素顏照」之後就會知道:天啊!他的化妝技巧也太厲害了吧!!!(source:twitter本文圖片皆來自此處) 他是最近在推特上爆紅的日本人氣型男よきき,平常在歌舞妓町酒吧的他就是靠著這白皙的臉蛋和可愛的裝扮成為超人氣店員的! ▲不過人紅是非多,有些人看不慣他這麼秀氣的打扮Versace is launching a new fragrance for men – Eros inspired by and deeply connected with Greek mythology. The aim of this edition is to reveal and rele... ... I've acquired 200ml 2013 batch of this juice, along with a vintage YSL off craigslist for $50 t...