Working documents - Ecodesign Lot 6 到底是怎樣的腳踏車,可以慘電超跑法拉利呢?那就是達到世界紀錄的"火箭單車",本輛單車由瑞士團隊打造,裝載了 3 個噴射引擎,由法國單車手吉西 Francois Gissy 冒著生命危險駕馭,與法拉利比賽之時,才剛起步就海放法拉利 F430,達到時速 333 公里,0 加至時速 Working documents This section contains the documents under review, whether an internal review within the consortium or by the European Commission. We welcome your comments and suggestions on these working documents as this will help us in improving ......