Modified ES / OP9 Co-Culture Protocol Provides... | Protocol 不喜歡燈光 大多數女人喜歡關燈做愛,而男人則喜歡開燈做愛。主要區別在於,男人希望在燈光下享受性愛的同時看到對方性感妖嬈的裸體,這會讓男人在視覺衝突下更加興奮。而女人則更希望在黑暗的空間中自由的發揮。其實女性由於害羞,在燈光下做愛會令她感到羞澀,也難於全身心地投入。而在黑暗中,她們不用1. Preparation of ES cells Culture ES cells according to standard protocol for your particular cell line. Make sure to prepare enough ES cells to plate onto of the mStrawberry OP9 cells for Day 0 (ES cells will be plated at 1x10^3 cells per cm 2 at Day 0)...