我們都累了 - Adrian Storey 攝影
Transient acid treatment cannot induce neonatal somatic cells to become pluripotent stem cells - F10 不知道從什麼時候開始,過勞死跟責任制開始出現在我們眼前。上班時數越來越長,疲勞轟炸越來越久,通勤族爭了一天的戰鬥,上車的第一件事就是搶好位然後倒頭就睡,週末到了難得小酌,讓自己沉浸在酒精當中,是的,我們都累了,生活依舊要過。 Adrian Storey,英國攝影師,現居東京。名為《Let the Germ cell isolation and analysis Testes were harvested from five-day-old neonates and maintained in HBSS medium. The seminiferous tubules were immediately isolated from the testes, under a Nikon SMZ745T stereo dissecting microscope. The tubules were then ...