50個人走進裝滿氣球的房間‥然後就‥ 終生受用的好文
Transient acid treatment cannot induce neonatal somatic cells to become pluripotent stem cells - F10 這50個人原本是參加研討會,演講者突然停下並開始小組活動。他做了一個奇怪的要求…請大家走進氣球房間。 他給每個人一個氣球, 並請他們在氣球上用麥克筆寫上名字。 接著,將這些氣球收集起來,放到這個房間裡。 這些人被帶到那個房間,並被要求找到寫著自己的名字的氣球,限時5分鐘Germ cell isolation and analysis Testes were harvested from five-day-old neonates and maintained in HBSS medium. The seminiferous tubules were immediately isolated from the testes, under a Nikon SMZ745T stereo dissecting microscope. The tubules were then ...