Escape If You Can Walkthrough - Game Solver科技的進步,就是要用來解決這種問題!現代人想愛愛很容易,便利商店買個保險套既方便又安全。那古人是到底怎麼避孕的呢?讓我們看下去!!!想知道,在沒有避孕套的古代,古人是如何避孕的嗎?隨着文明的發展,避孕的各種方法應運而生。用現代人的眼光來看,這些記載在各種文獻裡的避孕方法,有令人啞然失笑之處,有令人叫Escape If You Can Walkthrough Level 1-9 for iPhone, iPad, Android with explanation for every levels and items. ... When getting the pencil, did you tap the button to change the color? If not, you have to go back and do it. This “unlocks” the buttons to en...