Ester-C® – Vitamin C & The Immune System – Ester C® Company作者:英國那些事兒 原文標題:川普啊川普... 我萬萬沒想到,你居然是這樣的女王... 網路上最近一組圖瘋傳...... 好吧,有網友把川普P到了女王的臉上,發現毫無違和感啊!!!! 於是.... 在各† Ester C ® stays in your white blood cells for up to 24 hours, which is longer than regular vitamin C. White blood cells are an important component of your immune system. 1 Moyad MA, Combs MA, Vrablic AS, Velasquez J, Turner B, Bernal S. Adv. Ther. 2008 ...