[F1專題] 暑休前的第八勝 Hamilton個人F1生涯最佳賽季
Explore MTV2's Guy Code Show | MTV - New Music Videos, Reality TV Shows, Celebrity News, Pop Cultur直到暑休前,儘管本季21站「才」跑完12站,但Hamilton手中已有八勝、250分,是他成為F1車手13年來的最佳賽季,年底也可望締造他F1生涯的新高。 本季開幕站由Valterri Bottas先馳得點,隊友Lewis Hamilton前四站都和他處於拉鋸狀態,眼看Bottas一度成為爭冠熱MTV2's Guy Code (TV Show) show highlights, new updates on MTV ... The ultimate test of Guy Code is the degree to which you are able to put yourself second and focus on the needs of your fellow bros (and lady bros)....