
美商頤登股份有限公司台灣分公司 Ethan Nutraceutical Limited Taiwan Branch就是這個~~!!! 美商頤登 (ETHAN NUTRACEUTICAL LIMITED) 的研發團隊來自於美國加州 DOWELL 實驗室,主要生產營養補充食品及相關產品,該實驗室由數十位營養 生化博士所組成的研發團隊,以專業的背景嚴選原料及配方,打造營養醫學新配方...


Ethan Rom - Lostpedia - The Lost Encyclopedia三秒就看懂!!!!XD Dr. Ethan Rom, born Ethan Goodspeed, was the son of Amy and Horace Goodspeed, and the surgeon of... ... In 1988, eleven year old Ethan was dispatched with Ben Linus to kill Danielle Rousseau and her child at their camp on the beach. While more than willin...
