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EUR/USD - Live Rate, Forecast, News and Analysis     北京街頭昨(3)日下午出現一名自稱「女媧娘娘」的女子,她全身赤裸僅穿著由樹葉製成的內衣褲坐在路旁,且前方地上擺著一張「穿越說明」,證實自己是從古代穿越時空來到北京,吸引大批路人駐足圍觀。照片中,這名自稱「女媧娘娘」的女子穿著火辣坐在路旁,身邊的穿越證明上寫道:「吾乃上古Get free information about EUR/USD pair including EUR USD Live Rate, News, Forecast and Analysis ... EUR/USD EUR/USD - This is the most popular currency pair in the world, representing the world's two largest economies. The Euro was created to facilitate ...


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