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EvaGreenWeb.com - Your #1 resource for all things Eva Green檢視你是潛力股、備胎、好友或是工具人? 這一章,我們來談談興趣指標(Indicator of Interest,,IOI)、無興趣指標(Indicator of Disinterest, IOD)以及假性興趣指標(假性IOI)。 顧名思義,興趣指標=對方對你有興趣,無興趣指標=對方對你沒興趣。 那麼EvaGreenWeb.com is a Eva Green Fansite with news, information, biography, icons, MSN/LJ Avatars, wallpapers, pictures gallery, forum and more. ... By Julie Rebeyrol Explosive cocktail Surprisingly, pungent, breathtaking. The lens of Julia Fullerton-Batten...