evasi0n 6.1.3

Evasi0n iOS 6 / 6.1.2 Jailbreak iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS, iPad Mini, 4, 3, 2 & iPod Touch 5, 4 - YouTube我要衝第一A_A PLEASE READ NEW TaiG Jailbreak iOS 8 - 8.1.2 iPhone 6, 6 Plus,5S,5C,5,4S iPad Air 2,4,3,2,Mini & iPod T 5 http://youtu.be/FfXZfDJq0Dg Downloads: Now Supports iOS 6.1.2 Evasi0n V1.5.3 Windows & Mac: http://evasi0n.com/iOS6/ So now you are Jailbroken what n...


Evasi0n 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak iPhone 5/4S/4/3Gs iPod 5G/4G & iPad 4/3/2 Mini - iOS 6 OFFICIAL! - 淡淡的哀傷... FINALLY How To Jailbreak 6.1, 6.1.1, 6.0.2, 6.0.1, 6.0 using Evasi0n for Mac & Windows. For iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3Gs, iPod Touch 5th Gen, 4th Gen & iPad 4, 3, 2 & Mini. Easy & Fast! Grab Evasi0n HERE!: http://goo.gl/mE8mf Please Donate Here!: http://goo.gl/mU...


evad3rs:iOS 6.x 完美越獄教學 - evasi0n (含錯誤排除方法) | iPhone News 愛瘋了苦等了將近四月,evad3rs 越獄團隊的成員 pimskeks、planetbeing、pod2g 和 MuscleNerd 終於釋出 iOS 6.x 完美越獄工具「evasi0n」。不管是最新的 iPhone 5 或 iPad mini,只要能升級到 iOS 6 的機型,都能使用這篇教學來將自己的裝置越獄,把 iPhone 5 完美 ......


Jailbreak 6.1/ 6.1.1 Untethered With Evasi0n For iOS 6 iPhone 5, 4S, 4, 3GS, iPod Touch 5G, 4G, iPad這就是貧富差距... This Jailbreak Guide Works For All Devices (Excluding Apple TV 3) on iOS 6.1, 6.0.1, and 6.0 Untethered. If you updated to 6.1.1 on your iPhone 4S click ... 1. Download the Evasi0n software, and open it on your computer (links here). You should see this s...
