even if even though区别

even - definition of even by The Free Dictionary 在路上隨便搭訕一個妹就帶進摩鐵是你的本事,但是能讓你再也不敢亂約的就是妹的本事了。近期有一位網友在2ch上開帖炫耀自己撿屍撿到路人妹帶到摩鐵行徑,但當偷聞她內褲後.......才發現嘗到了「好滋味?」 原PO我現在在涉谷附近的摩鐵裡,今天在過十字路口的時候,看到一個妹長相只能算一般人,喝的爛醉依靠e·ven 1 (ē′vən) adj. 1. a. Having a horizontal surface; flat: an even floor. b. Having no irregularities, roughness, or indentations; smooth. See Synonyms at level. c. Being in the same plane or line; parallel: The picture is even with the window. 2. a. H...


Getting Fit, Even if It Kills You - The New York Times 拳擊比賽總是讓人看得血脈賁張,場上的每個揮汗和重擊都會令台下觀眾瘋狂吶喊!如果拳擊手變成兩個火辣性感的美女,那這樣的比賽你會想看嗎?雖然mabee小編知道這兩個美眉應該只是在演拳擊,但看她們戴著護具流和努力演出的樣子,還真的似乎看起來有那麼一回事呢! 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY"It can kill you," he said. "I've always been completely honest about that." But CrossFitters revel in the challenge. A common axiom among practitioners is "I met Pukey," meaning they worked out so hard they vomited. Some even own T-shirts emblazoned with...


Cartoon Bank 人們都喜歡看美的事物,不管是美胸、美腿、美尻,都有各自的擁護者,但是不得不說,美尻應該是最難維持的吧?西方因為身型與注重健身的原因,美尻的機率似乎非常的高,之前曾出現了一個驚為天人的歐美美尻,甚至還號稱是全美最棒的屁股!這個擁有上帝曲線美尻的人,名為勞拉(Laura Gordon),雖然已經 46Original panel cartoon art from The New Yorker....


Zombie Patriot Act Will Keep U.S. Spying—Even if the Original Dies - The Daily Beast 這年頭刺青不再是陌生的事情,甚至成為了搭配的配件之一。事實上,許多接觸過刺青的人似乎都有越刺越上癮的跡象,有些人甚至到了瘋狂的地步,接下來就來看看這些超有種的刺青,這些刺青真的是不太能夠後悔的,因為他們刺在...臉上。 瘋狂的小丑 Juggalo 刺在頭後方... 這到底想嚇誰啦? 蜈蚣President Obama and his top national security officials spent the past few days warning that once intelligence-gathering authorities in the Patriot Act expired just after midnight Sunday, the United States would face a greater risk of a terrorist attack. ...


How liberal discipline policies are making schools less safe | New York Post 當今全球滑板界首屈一指的職業選手Nyjah Huston即將推出超越上代科技性能的最新聯名鞋『N2』,更大膽、更有遠瞻的第二代鞋款兼顧潮流外型與智慧性能的完善設計,正要撼動滑板市場! DC三大最新獨家科技透過N2完美結合: ☞ Super Rubber超級橡膠外底經實驗證實能有效增加50New York public-school students caught stealing, doing drugs or even attacking someone can avoid suspension under new “progressive” discipline rules adopted this month. Most likely, they will be sent to a talking circle instead, where they can discuss the...


Riding Beijing's subway end to end: 88km of queues and crushes on a 20p ticket | Cities | The Guardi 日前,網爆出一則「巴西土豪埋賓利車為陪葬」的消息引來外界一片嘩然。但在埋豪車當天卻上演了戲劇化的一幕,原來巴西富豪埋賓利車原因竟是為宣傳公益,為唿籲人們做器官捐獻者,而富翁史卡帕自己也是一名器官捐獻者。巴西土豪把賓利車陪葬了,原因,,土豪一言,竟震撼了全世界!!!日前,有媒體報導62歲的巴西富豪史Beijing’s metro system has already grown bigger than the London Underground – and by 2020 it will more than double in size again. Tania Branigan takes its longest journey to see how the city is coping with such staggering growth In pictures: a short histo...
