even - definition of even by The Free Dictionary 今日凌晨,江蘇南通一名高三男生為了表達自己斷絕網癮的決心,用菜刀毅然決然地砍掉了自己的左手。 19歲的小王是高三在讀學生,昨晚11點左右,母親臨睡前去看小王,吃驚地發現兒子不在房間,床頭上留著一張紙條。上面寫著:“爸媽,我去一趟醫院,晚上肯定回來。” 據悉,小王獨自出門前,e·ven 1 (ē′vən) adj. 1. a. Having a horizontal surface; flat: an even floor. b. Having no irregularities, roughness, or indentations; smooth. See Synonyms at level. c. Being in the same plane or line; parallel: The picture is even with the window. 2. a. H...