even if文法

Indeed vs. Even — English Exercises & Practice | Grammar Quizzes有一天,某公司綽號的阿呆和大傻在聊天。 阿呆:「你去年吃尾牙時公司送你甚麼獎品?」 大傻:「電鍋。」 阿呆:「哈!老闆是叫你滾回家吃飯啦!」 大傻:「那你呢?」 阿呆:「電風扇。」 大傻:「哈!老闆是叫你滾回家涼快啦!」飛機上,一位男人正對空中小姐吐露不滿的心聲。 男人:「抗議!我每次搭機都坐同一個Emphasize unexpected or extraordinary details; contrast adverbs that emphasize: 'even', 'in fact', 'indeed'; examine meaning, placement. ... TRADITIONAL GRAMMAR LINGUISTIC DESCRIPTION EVEN EVEN Adverb. emphasis: unexpected, surprising (LDOCE even...


even if - English-Spanish Dictionary - WordReference.com為了體驗大自然,老師帶著一群小朋友到山上採水果,他宣布說:「小朋友,採完水果後,我們集合統一一起洗,洗完後可以一起吃。」話一說完,所有的小朋友都紛紛跑去採水果了。集合時間一到,所有小朋友都回來集合了,並一起圍著大水池對自己採到的水果用力地給他洗了起來。老師:「小巴啊,你採到什麼?」小巴:「我在洗蘋果even if - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions ... Principal Translations even if conj conjunction: Connects words, clauses, and sentences--for example, "and," "but," "because," "in order that."...


IF, EVEN IF, ONLY IF, AS LONG AS, PROVIDED, SUPPOSING, UNLESS, BUT FOR, IF NECESSARY, IF SO, IN CASE小女孩call in點歌.................小女孩:我可以點歌嗎?播音員:可以呀!妳想點給誰聽?小女孩:我想點給我媽媽聽播音員:好乖!妳幾歲?小女孩:我十歲播音員:十歲?!才國小三年及是吧?妳該不會是點童謠吧?小女孩:我點給媽媽聽的,不是童謠啦!播音員:那為什麼會想點給媽媽聽?小女孩:IF and WHEN When can replace if in zero conditionals: If you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils. When you heat water to 100 degrees Celsius, it boils. In the other types of conditionals, we cannot use when instead of if. EVEN IF Even if emphasise...


The no-final-prepositions rule: Not even half right. | Motivated Grammar上週四感冒了,在家休息。上午打了一針屁股好疼,吃完午飯正在看電視,老婆來電話讓我去給她買胸罩(也就是bra)。  當時我腦袋裡一片空白,天啊!怎麼買啊!但是一向無敵的我怎能說不敢去買,反正不是週末路上人不多,我就去看看,附近有個大蔬果超市,肯定有,問完尺寸出發。  到了超市二層找I agree with your second footnote, Gabe. I had a co-worker with good but not-quite-native English who would contract “I have” or “I will” even at the end of a sentence. In British English, of course, “I have” can be contracted even when “have” indicates p...


English Grammar - UNLESS & IF NOT - negative conditional - YouTube話說evil知道自己得了癌症時日不多,便跑去讓醫生檢查,> >>> >>隔天醫生通知他說"我有一個好消息和一個壞消息要告訴你"> >>> >>evil:好消息是....?> >>> >>醫生:你還有兩天可活> >>> >>evil:那壞消息是...?> >>> >>醫生:我昨天忘記通知你婦產科醫院的http://www.engvid.com Students are often told that unless they practice, they won't improve. But if you don't know what 'unless' means or how to use it, you might get the wrong idea. This grammar lesson focuses on the negative conditional and the conseque...


Even If文法 - 影片搜尋阿桃和阿國是辦公室裡的一對寶,常常喜歡鬥嘴,平常沒事就「吐槽」 對方。  某日,阿桃請阿國順路載她一程,好說歹說,阿國還是答應了。  到了停放機車的地方,阿桃看到阿國的機車又破又爛,忍不住又丟出一 句:「拜託!這麼破又爛的機車幹嘛還要上鎖!」  阿國瞪大眼睛看著阿桃輕蔑...
