even - definition of even by The Free Dictionary 請想像一下。當你的情人說「我喜歡上別人了,請跟我分手」時,就是沒辦法心服口服,過度悲傷的結果,甚至對對方起了殺意。那麼,你想殺的人是出軌的情人?還是那個介入你們的第三者? 據說,男人想殺的是前者,女人想殺的是後者。準嗎?? e·ven 1 (ē′vən) adj. 1. a. Having a horizontal surface; flat: an even floor. b. Having no irregularities, roughness, or indentations; smooth. See Synonyms at level. c. Being in the same plane or line; parallel: The picture is even with the window. 2. a. H...