WESTMILL 春夏最新民族風後背包款全貌揭露
Evernote Web Clipper On iPad and iPhone via Safari On iOS 7 – the mergy notes WESTMILL一直都秉持著要將日常生活中的小細節與人文生活融入在系列產品的設計裡,而這次全新推出的民族風系列包款,也充分將過往已埋藏在時代變遷之中的色彩重新呈現在目前黑白掛帥的流行市場裡,要讓單一色調的潮流視野更增添一分花簇錦攢的自然色彩,讓我們在一次掛上耳機,聽著旅行的聲音,往風裡的氣味和鄉間This worked on my iPad 3 but when I look at the saved note on my desktop version of Evernote I have only the URL of the page I clipped not an actual clip of the site. ... There are two checkboxes on the Evernote clipper pop-up box. One checkbox is for sav...