11 Reasons You Should Drink Coffee Every Day 是不是很美貌???女生見了一定會大讚的!! 如果是出自男生之手送給女生,一定會心動的!!! 材料: 玻璃瓶、【狠多人問塑料瓶行嗎。其實塑料瓶如果好看也是行的。】 熒光沙。【一般有人會問在哪裡買。在某寶就有得賣了】 環氧水晶膠【用指甲油代替也行】 小刷子。【一般毛筆也行】 先用小刷子在玻璃杯內壁抹膠There really can't be any adult in this great big world that has never tried coffee. It's consumed everywhere, and judging by the amount of Starbucks locations in the United States alone, (in 2012, there were 10,924!) we love our caffeine. And that's fine...