Every Day: David Levithan: 9780307931894: Amazon.com: Books 這是一句老生常談了,我們特別願意將這方面的研究結果,轉發給大家,借大家一雙慧眼,讓你們看得明明白白清清楚楚。 一項新的研究顯示,女性在ooxx 時假裝高潮可能也只是為了喚醒自己的真高潮。這項發佈在Archives of Sexual Behavior 上的研究報告主要研究了,女性假高Amazon Best Books of the Month, September 2012: Every Day is technically for young adults, but the premise of this unusual book goes much deeper. It asks a question that will resonate with the young and old alike: Can you truly love someone regardless of ...