Every Day: David Levithan: 9780307931894: Amazon.com: Books原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:賴曈姸 《灌籃高手》(SLAMDUNK,日語:スラムダンク), 是日本漫畫家井上雄彥以高中男子籃球隊為主題的動漫作品。 與《七龍珠》兩大巨作, 足可併稱為促成《週刊少年Jump》之所以能夠躍居同型態刊物銷售量之首的大功臣, 同時也為《週刊少年Jump》奠定了日後的指標性位置。Amazon Best Books of the Month, September 2012: Every Day is technically for young adults, but the premise of this unusual book goes much deeper. It asks a question that will resonate with the young and old alike: Can you truly love someone regardless o...