every time we touch歌詞

請問誰有Everytime we touch的歌詞 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 漫畫伴隨我們長大,每個人在成長的旅途中,或多或少經歷過徹夜不休、為漫畫沉迷的年紀。走進漫畫店裡,架上的漫畫書種類繁多,有多為男生看的像是獵人、海賊王等少男漫畫、多為女生看的例如尼羅河女兒、淘氣小親親等少女漫畫、或是像是蠟筆小新、名偵探柯男等卡通漫畫。在你心目中,有沒有一部漫畫成為經典,讓你痴痴等待請問誰有Everytime we touch的歌詞!!很喜換那首歌!! 謝謝 會員登入 新使用者?立即註冊 服務首頁|服務說明|Yahoo!奇摩 知識+ 首頁 ... The good and the bad times, We've been through them all. You make me rise when I fall.. (chorus) 'Cause every time we touch, ......


Cascada - Every Time We Touch Lyrics - Lyrics.com - your music community with the largest searchable哈哈~超中肯!! Cascada Every Time We Touch lyrics: I still hear your voice, When you sleep next to me. I still feel your touch, In my dreams. Forgive me my weakness, But I don't know why. Without you it's hard to survive... 'Cuz every time we...
