
Everyplay暑假過後.開學的第一天......妞妞:茜茜))))茜茜))))!!茜茜:啊!妞妞!好久不見!!妞妞:聽說暑假你們全家去泰國啊.茜茜:是啊!還不錯玩!!妞妞:有沒有帶紀念品回來給我勒^^茜茜:有!一瓶護手乳.來.拿去吧!妞妞:哇!愛死你了!那我就不客氣囉^^我先來擦擦看.你買什麼味道的?茜茜:水果味Featured Games + All Teleport Game Balance Benny Lara Croft: Relic Run Oddwings Escape Drive Ahead! Must Deliver iO - A Physics Platformer Dogfight The Crossing Dead...


Breaking news: welcoming Everyplay and GameAds to the Unity family! – Unity Blog一女遭遇劫匪,顫抖曰:"大哥,我是某金控信貸業務,兩個月沒領獎金了,還剛被裁員,你看報導就知道了,真的沒有錢……"。劫匪聽後竟然痛哭流涕,"妹子,同行,俺原來是某金控徵審的,你拿好工牌,後面那幫搶劫是財富管理的,你放心,我們絕不搶自己人。 對了,邊上那條路不要走,那邊藏著Our goals haven’t changed since we started out a decade ago: we want to provide our global community... ... Maybe you guys can help me with a doubt. I was reading the gameads site marketing junk and noticed this line: “Get the highest quality users for yo...


Unity - Unity - Everyplay很Cool的跨世化對話一個中年人問一個年輕人:「你有看過金庸的小說嗎?」年輕人:「沒有,只有看過電視劇。」中年人:「那你知道金庸寫的十四部小說的書名的第一個字,串起來會成為一首詩:『飛雪連天射白鹿,笑書神俠倚碧鴛」嗎?」年輕人:「不知道…..但是我有看羅琳(J.K. Rowling)的The Power of Unity Built by Unity, Everyplay integrates directly into the Unity Engine through the Asset Store. This way you can quickly and easily build Everyplay into your game, without worrying about integrating yet another SDK. And Everyplay’s recordi...


Applifier如何拒絕補習班電話~超爆笑的︿︿....甲:「補習班一直打電話來,煩都煩死了...跟他們說人不在,他們還說要晚點再打來...害我一下扮老爸,一下扮我妹的朋友。」我:「......」過些時候!過些時候!過些時候!過些時候!打PS2打到一半時!電話響起!甲:「喔!又是補習班的!真的很不想接耶...」我:Everyplay – Record and share game replays Now your players can record and share their greatest game moments with friends and fans. Learn More...


CÓMO GRABAR GEOMETRY DASH 1.9 (EVERYPLAY) - Bycraftxx - YouTube(有的地方用台語發音比較好笑) 有一個旅客到蒙古旅行,遇到一位商人, 商人就對他說:我有一隻馬,跑得比什麼都快,旅客不信,於是商人就說不信你試試看! 旅客一上馬,不論怎麼踢它、打它這隻馬都不動,他就去問商人, 商人就說你忘了說"X你娘"(台)這三個字,旅客得知Eyy hola a todos bellos y bellas! Hoy os traigo otro vídeo más y este es por petición popular! Espero que os ayude mucho! Link del descargador de vídeos: http://masstube.uptodown.com/ Blast Processing 100% complete: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXMfu.....


How to record Geometry Dash with Everyplay - YouTube在赤壁片中,有一個人物很特別,就是由日本人中村獅童所飾演的「甘興」,不過根據史書記載,吳國有甘寧這個猛將,但卻查不到甘興這個人…後來網友展現了可怕的情報能力,才讓我們知道甘興到底是何許人物,而且還是我們早就熟悉的人物,故事是這樣的…(資料來源--網路路透社消息)甘興是孫權Just follow the directions in the video carefully and make sure to sub and like for more tutorials....
