CONVERSE 2014 夏季 Jack Purcell 系列鞋款全新亮相
Lenka - Everything At Once (Music Video) - YouTube CONVERSE 經典開口笑鞋款 Jack Purcell 系列夏季新品將於今 (7) 日正式與民眾見面!本季的 Jack Purcell 承襲以往精緻、低調、簡潔質感風格,將設計巧思蘊藏於細節之中。5 月進入盛夏之際,也將推出季節性配色,將夏日霜淇淋繽紛的配色融入於經典鞋型中,鞋面更搭配輕度水洗Everything At Once by Lenka, Song from the Windows 8 commercial. For those who are asking - there was no full length official video when I made this so i put together several videos to make one. However, the full length......